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Payment and Financing Options

We accept cash, checks and most major credit cards

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We understand financing plays a major role in helping people obtain dental care and are pleased to accept most insurance plans, as well as third party healthcare financing.

Third party healthcare financing provides no interest short-term loans. Ask us about financing options through CareCredit and Chase Health Advance.

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Phased treatment plans are also available. We may be able to complete your treatment in stages that suit your schedule and budget.


Know What to Expect: Before beginning any major treatment, we provide our patients with a written treatment plan outlining what needs to be done and the cost of each phase. We are committed to finding the best treatment and financing plan for our patients, as well as making sure all questions are answered to their satisfaction.

If you have any questions or concerns about payment, financing or treatment options, please do not hesitate to ask us. Our goal is to partner with our patients to provide them the best possible dental care.


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