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Fear of Dentists

by Adriana Jaramillo DDS & Carlos A Jaramillo IV

Fear of the dentist is not uncommon. There are many reasons why patients are afraid of visiting the dentist. Some worry about the cost of their care, others suffer from anxiety and panic attacks rooted in traumatic childhood experiences. Regardless of the reason or the extent of your fears, it is in your best interest to be proactive in dealing with and managing your fear of the dentist.

Receiving consistent preventive care is the best way to promote your health. Going slow and steady - gently building up your confidence - will help you successfully overcome your fears. Not dealing with or taking control of your fear may result in a difficult experience when pain drives you into the office of a dentist with whom you have not built a trusting relationship and who has not had the opportunity to learn about your fears.

Remember, our mission as a health care provider is to take care of you. When you are ready to take the first step, we will be here to help and support you!


Tips for overcoming your fear:

Understand your fear: Finding out what you are afraid of will go a long way in helping you overcome and take control of your fear. Some patients feel panic at the thought of needles, others panic when they feel out of control - when they feel they don’t understand what is happening to them. Understanding your fear will help you be proactive in mitigating its hold on your health.

Let us help you: We are health care providers and ambassadors for our profession. We are not satisfied with simply doing great dentistry. Excellence means taking care of the patient not just the disease. Comfort, education and prevention are fundamental aspects of our philosophy. If you can help us understand your fear we can work with you to make your experience more pleasant and comfortable. A wide range of options are available including pain management, conscious sedation, consultations to address your concerns, and ways of making the environment more comfortable.

Face your fears: There are several important reasons you should face your fears. Success breeds success, and as we build a relationship together visiting us will become easier. Also, regular visits will help us prevent and control problems before they become major issues requiring major treatment.

Relax: Advances in dentistry have changed and continue to change the profession by leaps and bounds. If it has been a while since your last visit to the dentist, you will probably be surprised by how much the dentist’s office has changed.


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