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The Cost of Dentistry

by Adriana Jaramillo DDS & Carlos A Jaramillo IV

Lets face it: dentistry, like healthcare in general, is expensive. Our experience shows that some resent this. They feel trapped: healthcare is not an ‘option’ or ‘luxury’ that one can simply decided to forgo. Understanding the cost of dental care and what you can do to keep dental care expenses manageable will help you make better choices.


Why is Dentistry So Expensive?

The first thing to consider is the fact that ‘expensive’ is a subjective assessment based on a cost-benefit analysis. At what point would you consider a life-saving treatment to be expensive or a bargain? How about cable television?

Undoubtedly the cost of dentistry has been on the rise. The factors behind this trend are many and complicated. Perhaps the single most prominent factor is the rapid advancement being made in the healthcare sciences. From state-of-the-art equipment to advances in drugs, materials, and techniques the evolution of healthcare is based on substantial research and development.

Continuing professional education, expensive drugs, materials, equipment maintenance and upgrading are all necessary parts of a viable and modern dental practice. These and many other factors - from the cost of insurance to education - affect the cost of dental care.

While there are many factors raising the cost of dental care, the benefits of a sophisticated and modern health care system are great. Advances in preventive and restorative dental care make possible a lifetime of health through more comfortable, comprehensive and successful treatment options.


Making Care More Affordable

It may seem counter intuitive, but one of the best ways of making dental care more affordable is to visit your dentist regularly. The mouth is much like a car - it needs regular tune-ups. Maintaing your oral health and actively working to prevent major problems will reduce the likely hood you will need an expensive procedure.

Understanding your insurance coverage (and other financing options) is fundamental to making the most of the benefits it affords you. Discuss any financial concerns openly with your dentist. Dr. Jaramillo and her staff will work to develop a treatment plan that meets your needs and goals.

Make a plan and stick to it. Whether you are healthy and have a maintenance routine or are under going a phased treatment plan, its important to follow through. A maintenance routine developed in consultation with your dentist is tailored to your specific needs and aimed at keeping you healthy!

If your treatment is being phased, do not deviate from the plan. You may begin to feel better immediately. However, until the treatment is completed, necessary work remains. Failure to finish the treatment according to plan may lead to further complications and may result in an unsuccessful treatment.


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